• Nov 7, 2018
    Nancy McKenna (Canada Revenue Agency) and Kylie Havelock (Canadian Digital Service)
    Over the next few months, the Canadian Digital Service (CDS) and the CRA will be doing extensive research to understand how to improve the experience of filing tax returns for Canadians with low income..
  • Nov 1, 2018
    James Mickle, Policy and research analyst
    To design and deliver services that meet Canadians’ needs, public servants need to be equipped with the right digital skills. We’re asking federal public servants what training they need by conducting a Digital Training Needs Analysis.
  • Oct 30, 2018
    Lynn Chalati, Communications friend
    “It just felt like the right thing to do. And we heard from so many people saying that they wanted to participate, but just didn’t know how.”
  • Oct 26, 2018
    Mithula Naik, Senior design researcher
    Before conducting user research, we develop a plan outlining the goals for performing research to ensure that there’s alignment, transparency, and shared understanding.
  • Oct 23, 2018
    Kylie Havelock, Senior product manager
    Together with our colleagues at IRCC we’re reshaping the way government works to get closer to what people need. There’s a long way to go but this work has been an important step in moving towards our goal of human-centred services that change lives …
  • Oct 19, 2018
    Aaron Snow, Chief Executive Officer
    CDS is just over one year old, and having had the honor honour of serving with this team for six months now, I’m well overdue to write a few words here. Let me start with this: I wake up every day excited about what we do and what lies ahead.