• Sep 21, 2017
    Chris Govias, Design
    After a short sabbatical and a decade in the U.K., I'm delighted to announce that I'm going to be the first Chief of Design with the Canadian Digital Service, a new initiative by the Government of Canada.
  • Sep 12, 2017
    Yaprak Baltacıoğlu, Secretary of the Treasury Board
    The services our government provides play an important role in the lives of millions of people. That is why we’ve launched the Canadian Digital Service, a team focused on redesigning services from the user’s perspective. We are recruiting an …
  • Aug 24, 2017
    Wendy Luciani, Partnerships
    While using the latest technology may get more buzz, at CDS we’re starting with the basics of good service, because that’s what matters most. When you engage your government, (1) what you need to know and do should be clear, and (2) it should be as …
  • Aug 3, 2017
    Pascale Elvas, Director
    That’s why we created CDS. We need a digital team that can demonstrate the art of the possible. A team that can get a working prototype into people’s hands quickly to see how it works and improve it based on user feedback. We need to put real …
  • Jul 28, 2017
    Sean Boots, Developer
    We’re here to help build better government services, and to experiment and to try to do things differently. There’s a lot of things we won’t get right the first time, but we hope you’ll let us know when we go off track, and celebrate with us when …
  • Jul 25, 2017
    Anatole Papadopoulos, Executive Director
    Putting users first. That’s what CDS is all about. Digital government is about people: their needs, their experiences, their frustrations, even their hopes.